
Research Article

Influence of COPD on the Diaphragm and Muscles of the Lower Limbs

A Meridj*, R Belaala and Y Djeghri

Published: 01 October, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 2 | Pages: 056-059

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with numerous comorbidities, including muscle involvement which consists of changes in the structure and function of peripheral and respiratory muscles. Ultrasound can provide a non-invasive assessment of muscle damage. Ultrasound assessment of the quadriceps contractility index (Qci) is feasible, rapid, simple, and reliable. Numerous studies have demonstrated that Qci is linked to the severity of COPD, clinical symptoms, and respiratory muscle activity. Furthermore, ultrasound makes it possible to observe the dynamics of the diaphragm by measuring its amplitude, its contraction speed, and the duration of each contraction phase. Ultrasound examination of muscle damage in COPD could constitute a promising new tool to assess the severity of the disease.

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Quadriceps contractility index (Qci); Muscular atrophy; Muscular dysfunction; Respiratory muscles


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